Order anytime to be put in the line up to play the Mystery pop tube game. You will get a one pop tube revealed during our live show. These POP tubes have a little bit of everything...pearls, gems, crystals, jewelry,pull tabs, chances to play other games, as well as 150 raffle tickets for 6 chances to win a Natural oyster filled with 20 plus natural pearls!! Each raffle ticket will also include an instant whammy prize sent home as the Natural oyster raffle will not happen until all the batch of 1000 pop tubes are empty. ...But wait * Bonus....If during a single show your pop tubes spell any of these three words or the word of the day you could win an extra pop reveal. ('Utter', 'Madness', 'Sales') ** Double Bonus- if you spell out the whole name 'Utter Madness Sales' in a single show you win a Mega Monster Oyster 🦪.
UMS Rainbow POPS
Pop prizes between $5 - $300)
Bonus spell any single word earn an extra POP
- Utter
- Madness
- Sales
Double bonus spell all three words in a single show earn a Mega Monster Oyster (prize value $60)